
Virginia's Memories of Her First Home

This is the first home I have any recollection of: It had two bedrooms and one bath, a kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. We had a fire place in the living room, and I remember the ice box in the kitchen and a hurricane stove. There was a screen porch across the front with big tree around the house.

This is the first home I have any memories of and they are not very clear. I think I must have been a little over three or maybe four years old when we moved there. I don’t actually remember moving there, but I believe it was a happy time for my family and for me.

There was a living room with a fireplace. I really liked the fireplace. I began getting dressed in front of the fireplace after running from my warm bed during the winter. When anyone came in from outside they hurried to get warm in front of the fireplace. Warming their hands together and then turning around to get their backside warm, too.

There was a dining room where we ate when we had company for a meal. We ate in the kitchen when there was just my mom, my dad and me. I remember the icebox and having to get ice for it every day. Mom cooked on a hurricane stove with an oven. She made a pie or cake pretty after and we all liked that a lot.

I remember one time she made a pie. Then she cut two pieces and sent me to take those to our neighbor. Well, when I knocked on the door, no one was home, so I decided I would just sit down and eat the pie. I couldn’t think of anything else to do with the pie. Besides, that was a special treat.

There was a bedroom for Mama and Daddy and a bedroom for me, and a bathroom between them.

Virginia described her memories very well, don't you think? It is amazing what we can recall once we invite our minds to do so. And don't you love the story of the missing pie? One question: Where did this take place and about what year? I am looking forward to more of her memories.

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